In the Junin region of central Peru, I am picked up at 5:00 a.m. in front of the hotel. The journey to the alpaca pastures at an altitude of about 4000 meters will take a little more than 2 hours. Weare on gravel roads washed out by rain and covered with potholes. The ride takes us through the jungle up to the treeline.
Where the alpaca pastures are located, the potato is the only fruit that grows in deep black soil at this altitude.
The accommodation of the Alpaqueros is simple and often there is no electricity or water. The workishard and the climate harsh. Of the younger generations there is hardly anyone who chooses this life anymore.
A cooperative has recently been established in the region with the aim of better organising the breeding together and to sustainably improve the situation for the alpaca breeders.
Many thanksto Gregor Brenner of SURITEX S. A. C. forthekind support.